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Making Kentucky High School Diplomas Matter: What the Business Community is Telling Us

Making Kentucky High School Diplomas Matter: What the Business Community is Telling Us
Written by
Delaney Stephens
Published on
December 12, 2024

Every year, thousands of high school students throughout Kentucky walk across graduation stages, diplomas in hand. It's a proud moment for families, educators, and communities. But what does that diploma really mean for the futures of these graduates?  

Today, the Prichard Committee released findings from our 2024 Meaningful Diploma Employer Survey, offering key insights into how Kentucky's business community views high school graduates’ preparation. The survey, gathering perspectives from more than 600 employers and industry representatives across 20+ industries, comes at a critical moment as Kentucky business and education leaders examine what a Kentucky high school diploma should mean and what standards matter most.

This was the question that drove us to reach out to Kentucky's business community. We wanted to hear directly from the people who are hiring our graduates, working alongside them, and depending on their skills to drive our state's economy forward.  

More than 600 employers across Kentucky shared their insights with us, and their message was clear: while we're getting many things right, there's work to be done to ensure a Kentucky high school diploma opens doors to real opportunities and equips graduates with the credentials and skills they need to succeed.

The World Our Graduates Are Entering

The postsecondary transition and workforce landscape has shifted dramatically. Today's high school graduates are making different choices than their predecessors did just a few years ago. More are heading straight into the workforce or combining work with further education. This makes it more important than ever that a high school diploma represents real preparation for success, whether a graduate's next step is college, career, or both.

What We're Hearing from Employers

The feedback from Kentucky’s business community is both concerning and hopeful: only about 1 in 8 employers feel strongly confident in our recent graduates' workplace readiness. As one manufacturing leader put it, "We see plenty of diplomas, but we're seeing gaps in both academic preparation and workplace readiness skills. Our graduates need stronger foundations in both areas to be truly prepared for success.”

Employers say they're seeing gaps in crucial areas like communication, critical thinking, and workplace etiquette – the kinds of skills that can make or break someone's career success.

The Good News: Employers Want to Help

Here's what's encouraging: Kentucky's business community isn't just pointing out concerns – they're eager to be part of the solution. In addition to the 21.8% of employers that say they already offer work-based learning opportunities like internships and apprenticeships, more than half of employers who aren't currently offering these experiences say they are very willing to. As one healthcare industry executive shared, "We see tremendous opportunity to partner with schools and help prepare students for real-world success. We just need better frameworks for making these connections.”

Building Partnerships That Matter

The enthusiasm is there – 83.7% of employers believe partnerships with schools are crucial for developing talent. But right now, fewer than 1 in 5 report having regular communication with local schools. As one regional business leader noted, "There's often a disconnect between how we measure success in education and what makes someone successful in the workplace.”

What This Means for Kentucky's Future

When we talk about making diplomas more meaningful, we're really talking about fundamental questions of economic opportunity and creating upward economic mobility. We're talking about the diploma serving as Kentucky's promise that every graduate is equipped to earn a living wage, support a family, and contribute to their community. We're talking about breaking cycles of poverty and building generational wealth. We're talking about strengthening our state's talent pipeline and making Kentucky more attractive to new businesses and industries. A Kentucky high school diploma must be a reliable signal that students have mastered not only academic subjects but have developed the durable skills and transferable knowledge needed to thrive in our rapidly evolving world.

Moving Forward Together

The full Meaningful Diploma Employer Survey Report provides actionable insights for strengthening the connection between education and workforce success in Kentucky; And solving it requires all of us: educators connecting classroom learning to real-world success, employers providing authentic learning experiences, policymakers removing barriers to collaboration, and communities supporting meaningful change.

While public education remains a critical public trust, careful calibration to meet today's challenges is required. As Kentucky education and business leaders work together to strengthen the meaning of a high school diploma, we must ensure our accountability systems and measures of success align with what employers value most – including durable skills, real-world application of learning, and authentic work experiences. Getting this alignment right means transforming Kentucky's high school diploma from a credential of completion into a trusted signal of genuine preparation.

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Statement on the 2025 Kentucky Legislative Session from Brigitte Blom, the Prichard Committee
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Statement on the 2025 Kentucky Legislative Session from Brigitte Blom, the Prichard Committee

The 2025 General Assembly brought forward a series of education bills—some narrow in scope, others more sweeping...

March 28, 2025

Contact: Lisa McKinney, Communications Director, The Prichard Committee

(cell) 859-475-7202

Statement on the 2025 Kentucky Legislative Session from Brigitte Blom, the Prichard Committee

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The Prichard Committee believes in the power and promise of public education –early childhood through college– to ensure Kentuckians’ economic and social well-being. We are a citizen-led, non-partisan, solutions-focused nonprofit, established in 1983 with a singular mission of realizing a path to a larger life for Kentuckians with education at the core.

Automatic Enrollment is a Commonsense Innovation for Kentucky
5 min read

Automatic Enrollment is a Commonsense Innovation for Kentucky

Automatic enrollment is one of the most intriguing educational innovations in recent years.

By: Jonathan Plucker and Brenda Berg

The Kentucky General Assembly is currently considering a bill that would require school districts to establish policies for automatic enrollment in the Commonwealth’s public schools. Introduced by Rep. Robert Duvall and co-sponsored by Rep. Vanessa Grossl, HB 190 passed the House unanimously and can be considered by the Senate in the session’s final two legislative days on March 27  & 28.      

Automatic enrollment is one of the most intriguing educational innovations in recent years. Also known as auto-, mandatory, or opt-out enrollment, the concept is simple: Students who perform at advanced levels in their classes oron state tests are automatically enrolled in advanced courses for the following academic year.

This commonsense reform is based on the observation that many high-performing students are not receiving advanced learning opportunities, even when there is clear evidence that they are ready to advance academically. This is especially true for low-income and rural students, who have much less access to rigorous advanced opportunities, ranging from gifted education to accelerated coursework to AP courses. Recent research demonstrates there are many such students, leading to a chronic under challenging of many of our brightest children. As a result, these students are less likely to be ready for today’s workforce or post-secondary education.

As a case in point, Western Kentucky University and Johns Hopkins University recently collaborated on Project Launch Plus. This initiative identified talented students in low-income, rural communities in Kentucky and North Carolina and provided them with advanced education. Although we anticipated finding many eligible students, the sheer number exceeded our expectations. There is tremendous talent in every single one of Kentucky’s schools, but many of these students do not have the necessary opportunities to develop those talents fully. The provisions in HB 190 will help provide those opportunities.

We encourage Senate Leadership to bring final passage to House Bill 190 so that Kentucky students can begin benefiting from its provisions.

Concerns about automatic enrollment tend to focus on cost and implementation. Regarding cost, we point to North Carolina’s experience, which began with passage of its auto-enrollment law for mathematics in 2018. The state education agency and districts now have years of experience with implementation and have seen impacts well beyond expectations by elevating the overall importance of advanced coursework opportunities. Cost proved not to be an issue: In the end, the same number of teachers educates the same number of students, leading to no additional financial burden on the state or school districts.

Implementation was challenging in some districts but can be overcome. For example, due to teacher inexperience with advanced coursework and small numbers of identified students, some districts used a range of non-traditional staffing options to promote access, including staff-sharing, transporting students, and online courses to ensure that all eligible students are able to access challenging coursework. In other cases, it was simply not on their radar that they weren’t offering advanced courses commensurate with other districts, and they could just reassign existing staff to, for example, teach algebra instead of the standard 8th grade course.

Despite these implementation challenges, North Carolina’s experience is a major policy success, with thousands of additional students enrolling in advanced math courses each year. An important key to the state’s success is that auto-enrollment begins in elementary school, before students get lost in the transitions to middle and high school. The effects appear to be most significant with middle school students and those from traditionally underserved backgrounds, such as the rural and low-income students noted above. Similar success in Kentucky would transform the STEM pipeline in the Commonwealth.

If passed and signed into law, House Bill 190 allows the Kentucky Board of Education to create regulations to administer the new provisions. We strongly encourage the Board to require the Kentucky Department of Education to (1) collect districts’ advanced education plans to promote public access to the information and (2) issue an annual report summarizing the impact of auto-enrollment, including district level reports of the number and percentage of eligible students served. Annual reports in North Carolina have been invaluable data sources for tracking the impact of the law.

HB 190 is bold, innovative, and highly likely to be effective. It will provide a strong foundation for efforts to help Kentucky’s students excel in the classroom and eventually in the workforce.

Jonathan Plucker is a professor at Johns Hopkins University and a past-president of the National Association for Gifted Children. Brenda Berg is President & CEO of BEST NC (Business for Educational Success and Transformation in North Carolina).

Statement on the Passage of House Bill 208 from Brigitte Blom, the Prichard Committee
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Statement on the Passage of House Bill 208 from Brigitte Blom, the Prichard Committee

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March 12, 2025

Contact: Lisa McKinney, Communications Director, The Prichard Committee

(cell) 859-475-7202

LEXINGTON, Ky — With the passage of Kentucky House Bill 208 in the House, the commonwealth is one step closer to fostering learning environments that prioritize academic success, social and emotional well-being, and safety in schools. Congratulations to bill sponsor Rep. Josh Bray for his work on the legislation.

The academic benefits of limiting personal device use in schools are well-documented. Research shows that grades improve when students are not dividing their attention between learning and their devices. Teacher morale and retention also improve when the burden of managing smartphone distractions is lifted, allowing them to concentrate on instruction and student engagement.

The social and emotional health benefits are equally compelling. Schools that minimize device use report increased feelings of connectedness and cohesion among students, leading to less loneliness and decreased bullying. Encouraging face-to-face interaction helps students develop essential interpersonal skills, build confidence, and foster healthy in-person relationships.

By creating learning environments free from the distractions and potential harms of personal devices, we empower all students to thrive.  


The Prichard Committee believes in the power and promise of public education –early childhood through college– to ensure Kentuckians’ economic and social well-being. We are a citizen-led, non-partisan, solutions-focused nonprofit, established in 1983 with a singular mission of realizing a path to a larger life for Kentuckians with education at the core.